Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What exactly causes hemorrhoids?

What exactly causes hemorrhoids?

There are many causes of hemorrhoids

The following are the known causes of hemorrhoids:


Diets that consist of processed foods and with less of fresh fruits and veggies is one of the major causes of hemorrhoids. The use of a lot of refined flour, fiber-depleted carbohydrates, animal proteins and sugar reduces roughage in your diet. This results in harder stool and which is very hard to pass. This causes the hemorrhoids. How to get rid of hemorrhoids permanently

Constipation and Diarrhea

Constipation is difficulty in the passing of stool because of hardening which leads to excessive straining. Diarrhea results in the excessive passing of watery stool caused by any untoward reaction. Rectal veins are damaged therefore causing hemorrhoids.

Strained Bowel Movements

Any forced bowel movement by trying for too long or too hard causes hemorrhoids. The strain could be because of constipation, poor bathroom habits or diarrhea.

Delaying Bowel Movement

The regular postponement of bowel movements eventually leads to the drying up and hardening of fecal matter inside the intestines. The effect is straining while passing and therefore leads to hemorrhoids. In summation, the fecal matter within the large intestines or the colon increases pressure on the muscles and veins in the anal area. The veins close to the rectum and anus are swollen as a result.


Certain individuals inherit weak vein walls. This can contribute to hemorrhoids, although it is not the only factor. This mixed with poor toilet habits or long hours standing or sitting can lead to hemorrhoids.


For gestation and labor, hormonal changes during this period increase the blood flow to the pelvis and this relaxes the supportive tissues. The growing fetus in the womb also causes the blood vessels to experience increased pressure. The additional weight on the walls of the uterus also weighs down on the rectal veins. During confinement, the intense pressure around the anal area while pushing at delivery may lead to the development of hemorrhoids.


Long term medical conditions like heart and liver diseases may result in blood pooling in the stomach and pelvic area. This consequences in the enlargement of the veins. Rectal cancer also causes hemorrhoids. It prompts an impulse to defecate frequently, although there is no actual deification. The frequent strain increases pressure on the venous blood vessels.

Lees Exercise

Muscles tend to lose elasticity when there is no muscle movement due to sedentary lifestyle. Bowel movements become difficult. This is common in the elderly or the ill.


Excess weight, especially around the stomach and pelvis increases pressure on the pelvic veins.

Other potential causes of hemorrhoids

Other components that may cause hemorrhoids include vitamin deficiency, use of laxatives frequently, hypertension and poor intake of water and fluids. People having jobs that have extended hours of sitting or standing could also develop hemorrhoids.


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